Change Line To Polyline Autocad
The feature of reversing the direction of an object was introduced in AutoCAD 2010 version. In most of the cases reversing the direction of an arc, line or polyline may seem useless because the symmetry makes it practically impossible to distinguish between original and reversed object.
But take an example of linetype containing text as shown in the image below. In this case, the reversing of direction suddenly starts to make sense as a reversed linetype will have text in the correct orientation.
Direction reversal will also have a visible effect on polylines having varying widths at its end points.
Type 'pedit' at the commnad line & selct the line. When it only line it will ask 'do you want to turn it inot one' say 'yes' & than use join option to add other lines to it if required. If you set up 'peditaccept' value to '1' it iwl supress that prompt & without asking will turn it into one (polyline). Convert 3D Polyline to 2D Polyline There are various polyline types in AutoCAD®, the most common of which is usually the LWPolyline (lightweight polyline). It can be confusing because the LWPolyline and the old Polyline entity used way back in the early days of AutoCAD® are both shown as a “Polyline” in the Properties window. While editing a polyline in AutoCAD, the software provides you with a variety of options. From there on you can alter your already created object as per your design requirements. This way you do not have to remake or edit the polyline if you wish to make just a minor adjustment to it. Click Home tabModify panelEdit Polyline. Find Select the polyline to modify. Note: To select a single arc or line segment, press Ctrl while clicking the segment. If the selected object is a spline, line, or an arc, the following prompt is displayed: Object selected is not a polyline. Do you want it to turn into one?: Enter y or n, or press Enter If you enter y, the object is converted into a.
This article will help you in understanding direction reversal tool of AutoCAD, I will explain this tool with the help of linetype shown in the image above.
Reversing direction of linetype:
To start Reverse command Select reverse tool from expanded modify panel of the home tab or use its command equivalent REVERSE and click on the line which you want to reverse and press enter.
The direction of the line will be reversed as shown in the image above. The reversal of direction would mean the reversal of order in which line was made.
You can repeat the same method with arc, polyline, spline and helix as well. But if you try to use this command on a polyline with varying width at its ends then you may not get expected results.
Make Line Thicker In Autocad
Reversing direction of Polyline:
On reversing a polyline like the one shown below the order will be changed but not the direction of the polyline. To change order as well as the direction of this polyline you need to change the PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS system variable to 1, by default its value will be set to 0.
Once you have changed this system variable the reverse command will reverse order as well as the direction of your polyline curve, as shown in the image below.
You can also use the reverse tool from polyline edit command. For using reverse option double click on polyline and select reverse from the command line as shown in the image below.
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